Summary of Contents
Doing Business with Fannie Mae
Part A describes the requirements a lender must satisfy to become a Fannie Mae-approved seller and servicer of residential home mortgage loans. This part also includes information on an approved lender’s contractual obligations, procedures for obtaining technology applications, and requirements for maintaining lender eligibility. It includes the following subparts: Approval Qualification, Lender Contract, Getting Started With Fannie Mae, Maintaining Seller/Servicer Eligibility.
Origination Through Closing
Part B provides the requirements for originating conventional and government loans for sale to Fannie Mae. It includes the following subparts: Loan Application Package, Eligibility, Underwriting Borrowers, Underwriting Property, Unique Eligibility and Underwriting Considerations, Government Programs Eligibility and Underwriting Requirements, Insurance, Closing: Legal Documents.
Selling, Securitizing & Delivering
Part C describes the requirements associated with the two primary ways lenders transact business with Fannie Mae: selling whole loans for cash and pooling loans into Fannie Mae mortgage-backed securities (MBS), which includes Uniform Mortgage-Backed Securities (UMBS). It includes the following subparts: General Information on Execution Options and Loan Delivery, Whole Loan Transactions, Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS).
Ensuring Quality Control
Part D discusses the quality control process for lenders and Fannie Mae. It includes the following subparts: Lender QC Process, Fannie Mae QC Process.
Quick Reference Materials
Part E provides reference materials to support this Guide.