E-3-13, Acronyms and Glossary of Defined Terms: M (12/13/2023)
The amount that a party responsible for a breach of a selling representation or warranty or a servicing breach must pay Fannie Mae so that Fannie Mae does not incur a loss on the mortgage or the property.
An option available to an eligible lender to use to resolve loan-level disputes that were not resolved through the appeal or impasse processes.
A whole loan commitment that generally requires the lender to deliver eligible mortgages equal to at least the minimum required delivery amount (which is an amount that will not be less than the original commitment amount by more than $10,000 or 2.5% of the original amount) by the expiration date of the commitment.
The amount that is added to an index value to create the mortgage interest rate for an ARM; an amount (expressed as a percentage) that is used in the calculation of the purchase price for an As Soon As Pooled transaction.
When two parties have entered into one or more MBS trades, one party has the right to request funds from the other party due to a change in the market value of the securities. The right of one party to make a margin call on another party may be subject to a designated threshold amount and minimum transfer amount.
See sales comparison approach to value.
A post-conversion disposition option that allows the lender to determine whether it wants to redeliver a repurchased convertible adjustable-rate mortgage that was in an MBS pool to Fannie Mae following its conversion to a fixed-rate mortgage or to retain the repurchased mortgage for its portfolio.
A governing association in a large condo or PUD community that is made up of representatives from associations covering specific areas within the project. In effect, it is an “umbrella” association that handles matters affecting the entire development, while the “sub” associations handle matters affecting their particular portions of the project.
A Fannie Mae approved servicer that is contractually obligated to service one or more mortgage loans for Fannie Mae and has contracted with a subservicer under a subservicing arrangement.
The lesser of the appraised value of a property and the maximum loan amount that FHA can insure for a one-unit residence in the area where the property is located; a component that is used in determining the borrower’s principal limit for an FHA home equity conversion mortgage.
The maximum interest rate that can accrue on an ARM MBS pool. For stated-structure ARM MBS pools, it must be evenly divisible by 0.125% and must be less than or equal to the lowest mortgage interest rate ceiling in the pool (after appropriate deductions have been made for the guaranty fee and the minimum servicing fee).
The weighted average of the mortgage interest rate ceilings (less the lender’s retained spread) of the mortgages in a weighted-average ARM MBS pool.
mortgage-backed security
An MBS pool for which the servicer remits “unscheduled” principal payments to Fannie Mae on the 4th business day of the month and “scheduled” principal and interest payments on the 18th calendar day (or the preceding business day if the 18th is not a business day).
A payment cycle used for scheduled/scheduled remittance types for MBS pools that has two different remittance dates—one for unscheduled principal payments and one for scheduled principal and interest payments.
One of the factors used to establish the pool accrual rate for an ARM MBS pool on each interest rate change date. For stated-structure ARM MBS pools, it is the difference between the lowest mortgage margin in the pool and the sum of the guaranty fee and the minimum servicing fee. For weighted-average ARM MBS pools, the MBS margin may be a fixed margin that the lender specifies or a weighted-average margin. A “fixed” MBS margin is attained by varying the servicing fee for individual mortgages to equalize the differences in their mortgage margins. A “weighted-average” MBS margin is attained by reducing the various mortgage margins by the applicable guaranty fee and a fixed servicing fee that the lender specifies, thus developing a different MBS margin for each mortgage.
A mortgage or participation interest in a mortgage that is part of an MBS pool.
All of the mortgages or participation interests in mortgages (delivered under one or more contracts) that will secure an individual issuance of MBS.
Group or groups of mortgages (or participation interests in mortgages) delivered by a lender for the purpose of creating a pool to back an MBS issuance. These deliveries are accepted in one or more pool purchase transactions, rather than being accepted as individual mortgages (or participation interests) to be held in Fannie Mae’s portfolio. Deliveries under this program are, therefore, referred to as MBS pool deliveries.
A pass-through security backed by groups of existing Fannie Mae MBS or other existing Megas.
Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc.
mortgage insurance
Mortgage Identification Number (MERS)
The minimum borrower contribution is an amount of funds described as a percentage that is generally required to be paid toward the down payment, closing costs, and financial reserves. The contribution may be required from the borrower’s own funds or in some cases from other eligible sources of funds.
The rate of interest due Fannie Mae for a participation pool, which ensures that Fannie Mae receives the required yield and the servicer receives an appropriate servicing fee; it is generally derived by multiplying the required commitment yield by Fannie Mae’s percentage interest in the pool and then adding the applicable minimum servicing fee to the result.
A specified amount of money that must be exceeded before a margin call can be made.
A project comprised of residential and non-residential (commercial) space, often featuring separate associations that represent the different components.
The act of changing any of the terms of the mortgage by agreement between the borrower and the note holder.
Income from the rental of an investment property that is determined by reducing the annual effective gross income for the property by the annual operating expenses and dividing the result by 12. This calculation is used to determine whether a borrower who will occupy one unit of a two- to four-unit property as their principal residence qualifies for a mortgage.
The monthly payment of principal and interest collected by mortgage lenders. This may also include escrow items for taxes and insurance and is therefore called the housing payment.
A mortgage that requires payments to reduce the debt once a month.
The total of the interest and principal distribution amounts that a lender is obligated to remit to Fannie Mae on each remittance date. For scheduled/scheduled remittance types, this represents scheduled principal reductions and scheduled interest accruals, whether or not payments were collected from the borrowers. For scheduled/actual remittance types, this represents scheduled interest accruals (whether or not payments were collected from the borrowers) and actual principal collections.
A credit rating agency that, among other things, assigns credit ratings to debt issuers and the debt instruments themselves, as well as to title insurance companies and custodial depositories, by evaluating their assets and liabilities.
Collectively, the security instrument, the note, the title evidence, and all other documents and papers that evidence the debt (including the chattel mortgage, security agreement, and financing statement for a co-op share loan).
Insurance for lenders and servicers which provides coverage for their interest in a mortgaged property in the event of uninsured or underinsured property damage.
A financial backing type under which a private insurer (and sometime a state or local entity) insures the mortgagee against losses from borrower default, by agreeing to cover a percentage of the losses in return for the payment of a specified mortgage insurance premium.
The rate of interest in effect for the periodic installment due. For fixed-rate mortgages or for ARMs that have an initial fixed-rate period, it is the rate in effect during that period. For ARMs after any initial fixed-rate period, it is the sum of the applicable index and the mortgage margin (rounded as appropriate and subject to any per-adjustment or lifetime interest rate ceilings).
For an ARM, the maximum interest rate over the life of the loan. It is determined by applying a “lifetime cap” to the initial mortgage interest rate.
An individual secured loan that is sold to Fannie Mae as a whole loan or in a pool of mortgages underlying Fannie Mae-guaranteed MBS. The term includes a participation interest in a mortgage loan where context requires. In this Guide, a mortgage loan also may be referred to as a mortgage or a loan.
See credit life insurance.
The amount that is added to the index value to establish the mortgage interest rate on each interest rate change date (subject to any limitations on the interest rate change) for an ARM.
The note or other evidence of indebtedness for a mortgage loan.
An investment instrument that represents an undivided interest in a pool of mortgages.
See mortgage impairment insurance.
Mortgage Selling and Servicing Contract
Properties that provide separate housing units for more than one family, although they secure only a single mortgage; e.g., two to four units.
A manufactured home that is created by joining two or more sections that are built and towed separately to the site, then joined together to create one living unit. The home is permanently affixed to the land and is legally classified as real property.
A residential mortgage on a dwelling that is designed to house more than four families, such as a high-rise apartment complex.
An MBS pool that consists of pools of mortgages delivered by more than one lender; also called Fannie Majors.
An MBS transaction in which mortgages delivered by several individual lenders are combined into one large pool for the sole purpose of backing all or part of an issuance of MBS.
See special assessment districts.